about me

Thursday, July 28, 2011

second award : am i a creative blogger?


see... see...
look at the picture above...!!!

yeah,, i know.. it's an award...!
my second award B-)
i got this from Ujichan...
thankyou for this award, ujichan...
you know, it make me happy... and... happy... *apa sih? :p

i don't know what reason that make you give this award to me.
but, i will be positive thinking : i am creative blogger. :))

well, i will give this award to another blogger...
they are... three of my blog followers :
1. teen-Na
2. eva dina latifah
3. restu arie wijayanti
if you want this award, just grab it in my blog and post it to your own blog.


  1. wa..wa...wa....
    slamat..slamat... :D

  2. selamat y awardnya..
    simple tapi keren :)

  3. waah buat saya yaa..
    makasii makasii :)

  4. @mbak accilong...
    makaci...makacii... ;;) *kedip2*

    @pak todi..
    hu um..
    keren tuh yang bikin awardnya :D

  5. @eva dina
    daku baru aja mampir ke blogmu...
    selesai deh tugasku untuk memfollowmu

    sip sip..
    semoga menambah semangat untuk nulis.. *halah :))*


haii....tinggalkan komentarmu setelah membaca blog ini. terima kasih...^^