about me

Saturday, July 16, 2011

ME time...!!!


sometimes, i need to be alone..
just me, my self, and i. nobody else..

it's like what i'm doing right now, sitting down near National Monumen.
not doing anything...
not thinking anything..
just sitting and looking around.

what i see are
family which having their recreation..
and many couple here (unfortunately, they have got married yet. hehe) who have their own activity
and children... who's playing knites..
another... jogging or bicycling...
and the greatest view this afternoon is the SUN. an orange circle. really orange, almost red. ^^
it's beautiful, at all times.., :x

it's great to be alone in a place like this...
some people look at me like i am a strange girl, who dressed black cardigan+black skirt and orange veil.
hah, i don't care what people think about me.
i just want to enjoy my self this time.

it seems... i found a place where i can escape to...

tulisan ini ku tulis pas lagi nongkrongin monas sore2.
hari kamis, tanggal 7 Juli 2011.
yah.. ada beberapa editan sih.
and... mungkin ada beberapa kesalahan penulisan.
bodo ah...
namanya juga lagi belajar nulis english wkwkwk

susie ncuss


  1. kelakuan saya nih suka cenga cengo alias melamun liatin apapun yang terlihat.. seru,, kadang pikiran jadi melayang ke beberapa hal,, kadang jd fokus mikirin apa yg terlihat. haha.. keren kak.. foll back blogku ya.. http://farhannafisah.blogspot.com/
    salam kenal...

  2. hehe...
    asal jangan kelamaan cengo'nya ya...
    terima kasih, aku memang keren ;p

    siip... follback yak.. hahaha

  3. nice writing ^^

    follow me back yaa

  4. nice writing ^^
    follow me back yaa
    sorry tadi salah hehe


haii....tinggalkan komentarmu setelah membaca blog ini. terima kasih...^^