about me

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

[photography] green green view ^^


being happy is soo... simple.
it's as easy as opening your own eyes.
let's be happy by looking at this green view.
these all taken in Lampung. in front (not really front, actually :p) of my home.
1. this is a river.
i used to swim in this river when i was a child. but now... its condition is so miserable. -__-"

little river

2. farmer land
when i was in senior high school, my house was the first house there. so, i can see farmer land directly. now? many house built there and... it become a little "crowded".
3. let's take a walk in the middle of farmer land
this is my sandal. LOL.

susie ncuss


  1. I Love Green... Suka sekali. Kok kayak di Bandung ya? :D

  2. i love it too...

    kalo persawahan mah view standarnya emang gitu kali..hehe

    terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
    silakan liat2 *apa coba yang bisa diliat :p*


haii....tinggalkan komentarmu setelah membaca blog ini. terima kasih...^^