about me

Thursday, July 14, 2011

[photography] touch the moon


originally uploaded by susie ncuss
location : in front of my home, Lampung
date : July 10th, 2011

look at the photo above...
i took this photo by an "accident", haha
i mean...
i just want to play with camera in my hand,,, and lucky me.. there was the moon in the sky that night.
so.. i was inspired by some photoes that i looked before.
kun fayakun.. *apaan sih?hehe
this photo appeared on camera screen...!!
i never think that the photo i took could be so awesome like that..
the sky wasn't as bright as that photo.. it was darker..
and..when i look at this photo..
i always smile... and proud of my self. LOL.

happy thursday everyone...!!!
assalamu'alaykum wr wb.. ^o^


  1. keren banget mbak..kaya efek sotoshop..:D

    btw, lagu Best Friend nya Kiroro bikin saya inget jaman awal2 ngeblog..ini sempet jadi soundtrack blog saya jug..hiks

  2. ah,, masa seh?
    udah dua orang lho yang koment begituh.
    jadi GeeR saya. hehehe

    oo.. judulnya bestfriend? yg nyanyi kiroro? aku malah gatau, pak.. =)) *ketawa gulung2*
    aku masang lagu ini karena enak aja didengerin. hehehe

    jangan nangis, pak..
    *ngasih tisu*

  3. keren Mbaak, tp seperti kta Kak Todi... ky ada efek sotosop..:)

  4. makasih... :D

    heuheu... jadi bingung yang mana yg disebut efek soto...


haii....tinggalkan komentarmu setelah membaca blog ini. terima kasih...^^